Contact me at [email protected]
Undergraduate students at Iowa State University:
I will be looking for field assistants to work on small mammal research in Ames during summer 2025. Other opportunities for laboratory research will be coming in the future, stay tuned!
Prospective graduate students:
MS and PhD students are mainly supervised through the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology graduate program.
I am currently seeking graduate students with interest in working on the following projects:
1) PhD student starting summer or fall 2025 to work on a project on wild white-footed mice and epigenetic changes in response to different environment types in Iowa.
2) MS or PhD student to work on a project with whole-genome methylation data collected from vole population cycles.
If you have other projects or systems in mind which align with the research themes of the lab (social behavior & population dynamics, early life experience, hormones, epigenetics) please reach out to me to talk about your interests.
While prior research experience is important, experience with these exact research topics is not required. However, you must be driven to learn and become an expert on new techniques.
Postdoctoral fellows:
While I do not currently have designated funding for a postdoc, I am happy to support applications for postdoctoral fellowships through NSF, NSERC, and other funding bodies. Please contact me to discuss more.
Undergraduate students at Iowa State University:
I will be looking for field assistants to work on small mammal research in Ames during summer 2025. Other opportunities for laboratory research will be coming in the future, stay tuned!
Prospective graduate students:
MS and PhD students are mainly supervised through the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology graduate program.
I am currently seeking graduate students with interest in working on the following projects:
1) PhD student starting summer or fall 2025 to work on a project on wild white-footed mice and epigenetic changes in response to different environment types in Iowa.
2) MS or PhD student to work on a project with whole-genome methylation data collected from vole population cycles.
If you have other projects or systems in mind which align with the research themes of the lab (social behavior & population dynamics, early life experience, hormones, epigenetics) please reach out to me to talk about your interests.
While prior research experience is important, experience with these exact research topics is not required. However, you must be driven to learn and become an expert on new techniques.
Postdoctoral fellows:
While I do not currently have designated funding for a postdoc, I am happy to support applications for postdoctoral fellowships through NSF, NSERC, and other funding bodies. Please contact me to discuss more.