23. Arguelles, D.A., Edwards, P.D., Beyersbergen, A., Holmes, M.M., Mastromonaco, G.F. (2025) Reproductive endocrinology of endangered black-footed ferrets: implications for conservation breeding. Conservation Physiology. In Press.
22. Stead, S.M., Edwards, P.D., Persad, R., Boonstra, R., Teichroeb, J. Palme, R., Bowman, J. (2024) Coping with extreme free cortisol levels: seasonal stress axis changes in sympatric North American flying squirrels. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 114467.
21. Tamian, A., Edwards, P.D., Neuhaus, P., Boonstra, R., Neuhaus Ruckstuhl, A., Emmanuel, P., Pardonnet, S., Palme, R., Filippi, D., Dobson, R.S., Saraux, C., Viblanc, V.A. (2023) Weathering the storm: Decreased activity and glucocorticoid levels in response to inclement weather in breeding Columbian ground squirrels. Hormones and Behavior. 155, 105426.
20. Edwards, P.D., Palme, R., Boonstra, R. (2023) Is chronic stress a causal mechanism for small mammal population cycles? Reconciling the evidence. Oecologia. 201, 609-623. [pdf]
19. Edwards. P.D., Boonstra, R., Oli, M.K. (2023) An experimental analysis of density-dependence in meadow voles: within-season and delayed effects. Ecology. e4008. [pdf]
18. King, A.G., Edwards, P.D., Cote, S., Palme, R., Boonstra, R., Sicotte, P. (2023) Assessing stress in black-and-white colobus monkeys non-invasively. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 334: 114212. [pdf]
[Editorial] Edwards, P.D. Holmes, M.M. (2023) Introduction to the special issue "Hormones and Hierarchies." Hormones and Behavior. 148: 105299. [pdf]
17. Edwards, P.D. (2022) For the physiology of cooperative breeding, it's time to move beyond stress. Biology Letters. 18: 20220375. [pdf]
16. Toor, I. #, Faykoo-Martinez, M.#, Edwards, P.D., Boonstra, R., Holmes, M.M. (2022) Hormones do not maketh the mole-rat: No steroid hormone signatures of behavioral phenotype. Hormones and Behavior. 145: 105236. [pdf]
(# equal contribution of authors)
15. Edwards, P.D., Toor, I., Holmes, M.M. (2022) The curious case of the naked mole-rat: How extreme social and reproductive adaptations might influence sex differences in the brain. Chapter in: Sex Differences in Brain Function and Dysfunction (Eds. Liisa Galea and Claire Gibson). Current Topics in Behavioral Neuroscience. [pdf]
14. Roth, J.D, Dobson, F.S., Neuhaus, P. Abebe, A., Barra, T., Boonstra, R., Criscuolo, F., Edwards, P.D., Gonzales, M.A., Hammer, T.L., Harscouet, E., McCaw, L., Mann, M., Palme, R., Saraux, C., Tissier, M., Uhlrich, P., Viblanc, V.A. (2022) Territorial scent-marking effects on vigilance behavior, space use, and stress in female Columbian ground squirrels. Hormones and Behavior. 139:105111. [pdf]
13. Edwards, P.D., Boonstra, R., Bosson, C.O., Harms, J., Kukka, P., Willis, C., Jung. T.S. (2022) Effect of capture on stress-axis measures in endangered little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus). Journal of Mammalogy. 103: 91-99. [pdf]
12. Bzonek, P., Edwards, P.D., Hasler, C.T., Suski, C.D., Boonstra, R., Mandrak, N.E. (2022) Deterring movement of an invasive fish: Individual variation in Common Carp responses to acoustic and stroboscopic stimuli. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 151: 112-123. [pdf]
11. Edwards, P.D., Arguelles, D.A., Mastromonaco, G.F., Holmes, M.M. (2021) Queen pregnancy increases group estradiol levels in cooperatively breeding naked mole-rats. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 61: 1841-1851. [pdf]
10. Edwards, P.D.#, Lavergne, S.G.#, McCaw, L.K.#, Wijenayake, S.#, Boonstra, R., McGowan, P.O., Holmes, M.M. (2021) Maternal effects in mammals: broadening our understanding of offspring programming. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology. 62: 100924. [pdf]
(# equal contribution of authors)
9. Edwards, P.D., Frenette-Ling, C., Palme, R., Boonstra, R. (2021) A mechanism for population self-regulation: social density suppresses GnRH expression and reduces reproductivity in voles. Journal of Animal Ecology. 90: 784-795. [pdf]
8. Toor, I., Edwards, P.D., Kaka, N., Whitney, R., Ziolkowski, J., Monks, D.A., Holmes, M.M. (2020) Aggression and motivation to disperse in eusocial naked mole-rats (Heterocephalus glaber). Animal Behaviour. 168: 45-58.
7. Edwards, P.D., Sookhan, N., Boonstra, R. (2020) The role of herbivory in the macroevolution of vertebrate hormone dynamics. Ecology Letters. 23: 1340-1348. [pdf]
6. Edwards, P.D., Mooney, S.J., Bosson, C.O., Toor, I., Palme, R., Holmes, M.M., Boonstra, R. (2020) The stress of being alone: removal from the colony, but not social subordination, increases fecal cortisol metabolite levels in eusocial naked mole-rats. Hormones and Behavior. 121: 104720. [pdf]
5. Teichroeb, J.A., Stead, S.M., Edwards, P.D., Landry, F., Palme, R., Boonstra, R. (2020) Anogenital distance as a measure of male competitive ability in Rwenzori Angolan colobus. American Journal of Primatology. 82: e23111. [pdf]
2019 & earlier
4. Edwards, P.D., Dean, E.K., Palme, R., Boonstra, R. (2019) Assessing space use in meadow voles: the relationship to reproduction and the stress axis. Journal of Mammalogy. 100: 4-12. [pdf]
3. Edwards, P.D., Boonstra, R. (2018) Glucocorticoids and CBG during pregnancy in mammals: diversity, pattern, and function. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 259: 122-130.
2. Edwards, P.D., Palme, R., Boonstra, R. (2016) Seasonal programming, not competition or testosterone, drives stress-axis changes in a partially-semelparous mammal. Hormones and Behavior. 85: 96-101.
1. Edwards, P.D., Boonstra, R. (2016) Coping with pregnancy after 9 months in the dark: Post-hibernation buffering of high maternal stress in arctic ground squirrels. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 232: 1-6.